Your Rights as a Birth Mother in Indiana: Taking Control of Your Adoption Story
As a birth mother, you have a right to make decisions that are best for you and your baby. Understanding birth mother rights is vital as you navigate the adoption process. From choosing an adoption agency to determining the level of openness with your child’s adoptive family, you hold the power to control your adoption journey. Tapestry Adoption, a local, licensed Indiana agency is committed to ensuring birth mothers rights are respected. Let’s explore: Your Rights as a Birth Mother in Indiana…
What Are Your Rights as a Birth Mother?
When placing a child for adoption, you have rights! For starters, you have the right to decide whether to parent, place your child for adoption, or explore other options without pressure or coercion. You are entitled to receive counseling to help you understand your choices and navigate the emotional aspects of the adoption process. Birth mothers can select the adoptive family for your child, ensuring they align with your values and priorities. You can decide whether you prefer an open adoption or a more private arrangement. If agreed upon in an open adoption plan, you have the right to maintain communication or contact with your child and the adoptive family.
As a birth mom working with an agency, you may be eligible for assistance with pregnancy-related expenses, such as medical bills, housing, transportation, and other needs. Up until the legal consent is signed and becomes irrevocable, you have the right to change your decision about placing your child for adoption. You are entitled to legal counsel to ensure your rights and interests are protected during the adoption process. With an agency, you do not need a separate adoption attorney.
It is crucial that you work with an adoption agency that respects your rights and guides you through each step of the process. Your personal information and adoption decisions are protected and cannot be shared without your consent.
Control Over Your Adoption Journey
You are never alone in making these decisions. Adoption agencies support birth mothers by providing resources such as legal advice, emotional counseling, and financial assistance during the adoption process. Tapestry Adoption specializes in adoption in Indiana and can help you better understand your rights under state law. No matter the circumstances, such as an unplanned pregnancy or crisis pregnancy, you can always take the reins.
Empowering Indiana Birth Mothers
Your Rights as a Birth Mother in Indiana
Your birth mother rights give you control over how the adoption unfolds. By working closely with an Tapestry Adoption adoption agency, you ensure that your voice is heard, and your choices are respected. You are not just making an adoption plan; you are writing your story. If you are considering adoption, contact us now!