Newborn and Older Child Adoption

If you have a newborn or older child and are thinking about adoption, we are here for you!

If you feel that parenting your newborn or older child is not the right option for you or DCS has become involved, reach out to us to discuss your options. Tapestry Adoptions is a full-service, licensed Indiana adoption agency supporting newborn and older child adoption. Here are a few of our services:

If you feel that parenting your newborn baby or young child is not the right option for you, you have choices! You are not a bad person and you are not alone.

If you’d like more information on placing a sibling group or giving a child up for adoption, please contact Tapestry Adoptions now.

Are You Pregnant
and Considering Adoption?

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Newborn and Older Child Adoption, Is It Still An Option?

Yes, whether you are just getting home from the hospital with an infant or life circumstances have made it impossible to parent an older child through the age of 10.  We can help you find the right family for your child. Newborn and older child adoption is an option in Indiana with Tapestry Adoptions. 

Exploring Your Options

It is important to know your rights and get the facts about adoption. Giving a baby up for adoption can be an extremely difficult decision, but it can also be extremely empowering. Adoption can be considered an act of love, and it can provide a baby with a chance to have a comfortable, loving home and to have access to resources that may not be given otherwise.

Resources Available To You

We have counselors and mentors on staff to meet with you and show you resources when you decide giving a baby up for adoption is your final decision. There is no obligation to meet. A cup of coffee or a phone to discuss what’s right for you.


Your Emotions

If you are considering relinquishing a child to the state, it is important to realize where those feelings may be coming from. Is it a temporary issue that may be resolved with respite care? 

Are there other issues that may be affecting your parenting abilities, like drugs, domestic violence or homelessness. Giving up a child for adoption can be beneficial for their future by providing them with the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Only you have the answers to these questions. Everyone gets stressed and wonders if they can parent well, but if you are considering giving a baby up for adoption or even a sibling group up for adoption, there are loving families who would love to adopt. In many situations, you can continue to have an on-going relationship with them, although it would not be the same as parenting.


Our Birth Mother Services

Birth Mother Service - Medical Support

Medical Support

Tapestry will work with you to obtain pregnancy coverage. You will not owe any medical...

Tapestry will work with you to obtain pregnancy coverage. You will not owe any medical bills for your pregnancy or birth. We can even help you with transportation to and from appointments.

Birth Mother Support - Financial support

Financial Support​

Financial support is available for you to help with rent, groceries, lost wages and utility...

Financial support is available for you to help with rent, groceries, lost wages and utility expenses. We want to see you succeed and realize you may need help in this transitional time. There are state caps on the amount of finances available. We also have programs with area churches which are available which can help with maternity clothes and food.

Birth Mother Support - Housing Help

Housing Help​

We will work with you to determine the best housing options. We can provide rent...

We will work with you to determine the best housing options. We can provide rent support or if more help is needed, we partner with area maternity homes which offer room and board as well as a host of educational and transitional services.

Ethical Adoption

Ethical Adoption

There are hundreds of agencies and lawyers to choose from. Why choose Tapestry?

There are hundreds of agencies and lawyers to choose from. Why choose Tapestry?

Are You Pregnant In And Looking
For Info About Adoption ?

Get the right advice
Contact one of our caring Staff


Adoption Process

The process can seem overwhelming, but we will walk with you every step, making sure you are making the decisions you are comfortable with.


Contact Us

Text or call. We promise to get right back with you.


Meet with a Counselor

We want to know you, your situation and your choices before we move forward.


Create Your Adoption Plan

You decide the type of adoption, level of contact and other details.


Select A Family

Children, no children? Racial preference? This is your choice.


Your Due Date

You will have a hospital plan created by you to determine the level of contact and who is with you.


Post Placement Support

We know the weeks following an adoption can be hard. We are there with continued support and counseling.

Older Child Adoption FAQs

Asked Questions

This depends on the state and how long the child has been in care.

Yes, just like infant adoption, you can choose the family. In many cases, you can have ongoing relationship.

No, unlike relinquishing to the state, there are no charges associated with adoption.

Yes, if you have a sibling group, they can be placed together.