Is Adoption Right For Your Family?
For many the decision to adopt is arrived at following a season of grief, loss and disappointment. The scars of infertility and disappointment are often still fresh and hopelessness and even anger are still very, very close to the surface. If that describes you, take a moment and just breathe. Acknowledge that you are hurting and likely need to work through that grief and disappointment. It is ok to be sad and still look at other options for building your family. You may be interested in fostering to adopt or international adoption or domestic adoption. Only you can answer the question of whether you are ready to move forward. This article helps to answer your question, is adoption right for your family?
It is important to really know both your needs and your limitations before deciding on an adoption agency. Do you want to be a number on a page of profiles or do you want to enter into a relationship with your agency? We want to pray with you, listen to your hearts, and give you honest feedback about what we believe are positive choices for your situation. Perhaps open adoption isn’t a good choice for you. What if fostering to adopt is just too big of a risk for you right now? What if you need to work through some of those emotions with your spouse, so that you are ready to move forward together?
Tapestry is here to help support wherever you are on the journey. Do you want to meet for coffee and just talk through it all? We can do that too. While you’re here looking around I’ve linked some really good articles on adoption fears, losses, and even some triumphs. Take time to look through them. When you’re ready call me or email for that coffee…
Contact Tapestry Adoptions for help now.