Ethical Practices in Adoption
And Why They Are So Important

There are hundreds of adoption agencies and adoption lawyers to choose from. Why choose Tapestry?

Adoption agency near me“. A quick search reveals thousands of options. The choice can seem overwhelming. There are some things you should know when choosing an agency.

Every agency is guided by their values and hopefully ethical practices. For some it is a business focused on providing a product to an adoptive couple. For others, it is a social service agency providing casework and counseling.

For Tapestry Adoptions, it is a ministry. We are called and dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus by serving you the birth mother, the adoptive family, and your child. We call this the adoption triad. Our staff knows all sides of this triad and we do our best to represent and honor all of you.

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We are here to answer your questions with no obligation. We will give you all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your child.

7399 N. Shadeland, BOX 150
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250
United States

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